Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've been addicted to a website called Flickr. This site has great ideas for pictures, and groups with hints and tips towards making your pictures even better. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is "DONT BE AFRAID OF GETTING CLOSE TO YOUR SUBJECT, STANDING ON A TABLE, OR EVEN LAYING ON THE FLOOR." Getting super close sometimes gives you some really interesting shots.
yellow rose:
[Personally, I'm most definitely not a fan of roses but the picture on the left(the yellow rose) inspired me to take a couple of rose shots on my own. Again, i used my mom's roses. This was shot on an overcast day, without the on camera flash nor did i in anyway edit the picture. all i did was get VERY close :) ]


[for this picture, I sat in the almost mud of my front yard. My mom loves plants so we have like a jungle. I sat on my bum seriously, not more than 5 cm away from the flower. This added the texture and if you look closely, the dirt/dust particles on the flower. ]

[For this one, i laid flat on my back and shot the thorns of one of our many rose bush things. Being so close allowed me to have the thorns in complete focus and everything in the foreground out of focus]   <- that's the url to my pictures. 

So get close, lay down, and most of all, don't be afraid to EXPERIMENT!!!!



Jmoore said...

LOVE the flower photo, great job!

miriam said...

I like the picture of the white flower and the little yellow coming ouT.
Its good.

Jack said...

Nice pic Anna