This is just a set of a few pictures I've taken using longer exposure times.
None of these pictures are edited except for maybe some cropping.
And I'm sorry you cant view most of the pictures in another window,
I don't know why that happened.
This picture was taken on a walk bridge by my house. I set the shutter speed on my camera to 30sec and just left it. I think I lowered the exposure also.
This picture is actually an attempt at same picture above. I accidentally bumped the tripod so it came out like this.
This is a picture I took a few months ago while me and my friend were on his roof looking for a, believe it or not, green comet. That small white dot in the middle of the picture is actually a star, while the other lights are from nearby homes or street lights.
This picture was taken on my way to Las Vegas. I was in the car when I took this, most of these trails of light are actually far away homes and buildings.
This picture, amazingly, only took me one try. I usually have to play around with longer exposures to see what looks good. I was satisfied with the first capture. Once again, I set the shutter to 30sec and just moved a little key chain light around the bottle.
This is also a long exposure picture even though it may not seem like it. I held the same key chain light I used for the bottle picture above her head. The light isn't bright enough for a regular picture, which is why I set the shutter speed for a longer time so it could capture more of the light. One thing about this picture that I don't like is that the camera was on Manual Focus and I forgot to focus it to her face, so it's a little blurry.
im impressed, way to push your boundaries and experiment a little. LOVE the water bottle shot!! Keep it up!
Technically I would label the post "long exposure" but I wont give you to hard a time. The photos are really great. Let's print up the water bottle photo for open house!
I like the long exposure in the first picrture, the water bottle, and the DOG!
Ive never tried it but they look good.
now i want to try.
they're awesome.
i love the water bottle shot!!!<3 I tried slow shutter once with lights but they were Christmas lights and i moved the camera around instead.
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